Technote 136: Measuring Low-Power ADCs with the APx555 ADC Test Option

File size 111 MB
Create Date 22.02.2024
Last Update 25.10.2023
Description Technote 136 explains how to test a low power audio IC device with ADC Test option-equipped B Series APx555 audio analyzer (or Legacy APx555 with enhanced analog generator (EAG) upgrade and ADC test option). ADC Test is a new optional feature of the APx555 analog balanced output that generates audio signals mixed with a calibrated common mode DC offset voltage. ADC Test is used to test a device that operates on a single supply voltage when the device inputs require a DC bias voltage set to ½ VDD, such as audio codecs and analog-to-digital converter chips in mobile products. This technote is provided as a .zip file and includes example APx500 project files (v5.0 APx software required).

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TN136 Measuring Low-power ADCs with the APx555 ADC Test