Eric Hodges
Director, Marketing & Sales Operations
#audiotest #audiomeasurement #audioprecision #audiotestsessionswithapx #loudspeakertest

Loudspeaker Test Methodologies

Welcome to another Audio Test Session with APx. These short subjects are intended to educate engineers and technicians about everything from specific audio measurement applications to tips & tricks for getting the most out of your APx system. These are available to watch at your leisure and can be shared with your colleagues who may want to brush up their own audio test knowledge.

In this session, Mike Martin delves into various test methods, as well as their relative strengths and limitations, for evaluating speaker performance. These methods largely revolve around mitigating reflections and the list includes:

  • Free-field / outdoor testing
  • Anechoic chamber test
  • Ground-plane technique
  • Time-selective (quasi-anechoic) techniques
  • Near-field measurements
  • Hybrid or combined techniques

An overview of various test setups is also included, and then Mike wraps things up with a thorough demonstration of loudspeaker measurements in APx.

Contact us to learn more about APx500 Software or discuss your application with our engineers. Or just click below to start watching – enjoy!

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