Accredited Calibration Lab

Ensuring documented and traceable verification of instrument performance

Audio Precision is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for equipment calibration at our main factory in the USA. Calibration has been requested by many of our customers who need to use calibrated audio test instruments to meet their own Quality System Requirements.

Calibration provides documented and traceable verification that instruments meet or exceed performance as detailed in the calibration report. Accredited calibration adds a further degree of rigor to the calibration process, incorporating review and On-Site Assessment by recognized independent experts. With its 17025 accreditation, AP meets the highest standard of calibration performance.

• All new audio analyzers sold by AP include an Accredited Calibration when shipped from the Factory.
• AP offers Accredited Calibration of existing AP audio analyzers as part of our Service Offerings (Service B).

Audio Precision Calibration FAQ

Audio Precision’s Accreditation Certificate and Scope of Calibration from A2LA: Certificate #2527.01

ISO Requirements ISO/IEC 17025:2017
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

Accrediting Agency – American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
Established in 1978 as a non-profit, public service, membership society, A2LA is dedicated to the formal recognition of competent testing and calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing providers and reference material producers.

Audio Precision Pass / Fail Decision Rule Explanation
An explanation of the criteria AP uses to determine Pass / Fail criteria for any instrument undergoing calibration.

Customer Feedback on Calibration Services
A summary of the process used by Audio Precision to receive and resolve customer complaints regarding calibration services.

Sample Certificates and Reports
All instruments that are calibrated will receive a Calibration Report. If the instrument is determined to meet or exceed its printed specification (i.e.: passes Calibration), it will be issued with a Calibration Certificate.

2700 Series Calibration Certificate (sample)

2700 Series Calibration Report (sample)

APx500 Series Calibration Certificate (sample)

APx500 Series Calibration Report (sample)

Certificate of Traceability Sample

APCS Traceability Chart